Islamic Da'wah Council of the Philippines, Inc.



IDCP provides HALAL certification and accreditation services registered as nonprofit, religious, non-government organization and other recognized HALAL institutions. 

IDCP has created a Quality Management System aligned to ISO/IEC 17065:2012 in accordance with GSO 2055-2 and requirements of Emirates Authority for Standards and Metrology (ESMA) and is fully committed in the effective implementation of these Standards. It is structured and organized in a way to safeguard impartiality.

IDCP does not engage in any activity which could compromise its impartiality in the performance of its certification and accreditation services with its clients.

IDCP abides by the “Contract Agreement” with its clients to ensure impartiality and objectivity. 

IDCP shall demonstrate its policies, processes and trainings on how to deal with the risks related to conflict of interest. 

IDCP conducts impartiality risk assessments to all interested parties, maybe internal or external related to conflict of interest. Action plans are provided to safeguard impartiality and are monitored for its effectiveness to achieve an acceptable level of risks. These policies, processes and procedures are non-discriminatory and are being implemented in a non-discriminatory way. 

IDCP shall identify, monitor and document such threats and how threats are eliminated or minimized in order to achieve an acceptable level of risks. 

IDCP has created documented information in the form of work instructions on how to Handle Complaints and Appeals by our interested parties in case of impartiality or objectivity.

IDCP therefore declare commitment to ensure full compliance and implementation of the above requirements and shall be communicated and understood at levels of IDCP hierarchy.